Enrolling in Medicare Can Bring Extra Benefits!

Some Medicare Plans broaden the coverage of Medicare and some just cover what Medicare covers. Click on the enroll now button below to review the Medicare Advantage Plans and see what different plans offer in addition to all the services and supplies of original Medicare.

​​Not Enrolling Can Be Costly!

  • Medicare covers much of but not all of the cost for medically necessary services and supplies.  Medicare beneficiaries are responsible for the part Medicare doesn't cover and it can add up to a substantial amount of money. There is no maximum out of pocket limit on Medicare Insurance coverage. 

  • Medicare does not cover most prescriptions people buy at the drug store. 

  • Medicare does not cover any medical expenses for treatment or supplies received outside the United States of America.  ​

  • A single trip to the ER on Medicare can cost thousands!

Getting All the Benefits You Have coming!

  • I have not found a single Medicare Advantage Plan that offers all the extra benefit options Medicare allows. Some have more of one thing and less of another. Everything has a cost so if you get more here, they may provide less there. Medicare beneficiaries need to be careful.

  • Your needs are unique, what's right for you might not be rightt for the next person.

  • The right plan for you is the plan that fits your needs, allowing you access to the providers you prefer at terms and conditions you understand. 

  • There are a number of really great plans that may be right for you. The trick is to find yours. I would like to help with that.

  •  Be prepared to get the right Medicare Insurance Supplement or Medicare Health plan for your situation. What providers are important to you and what medications do you need?

  • For some people "best" means lowest cost, for others, it means maximum flexibility in provider choices, and for you, it may mean something entirely different!

  • Choosing what is best is like choosing between my grandmother’s roast beef and my aunt’s roast beef. They were both really good and hard to decide which was best. I liked my grandmothers but my cousin thought my aunt’s was best. I avoid calling one plan or another the best, they are all good and one is right for you.  Every pLan is a little different from all the others, the trick is to match you to the plan with the benefits you want.